Monday 15 June 2009

Creating web critical mass for utility warehouse - a guide for web entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur since 1994, I've just joined utility warehouse as a distributor.
I was surprised at the web presence. Just type Utility Warehouse into google and there are 361,000 sites. Some are bloggers, some have professional web sites, others are links to the utility warehouse.

I've read recently that it takes a new customer 7 views of a product on average before they choose to buy.

The chances are that your visitor to your website will not sign up straight away. So, how can you differentiate and make sure that your referral counts.

Currently you can't because if you refer someone, they may search on the web and go to someone elses link. Also, most of the links are individuals websites, which arenet always very professional.

Here's my invitation to ambitious, professional distributors of Utility Warehouse.

If you aren't a distributor yet, have a look at this

My plan is to gain a critical mass of traffic to Utility Warehouse through a central team website. The website will feature a team of professionals. In order to make sure that your commission is honoured I have created a passthrough to the utility warehouse sign up site.

Here's how it works.

You email me, with the following:

* your picture
* your ID (or call me if you don't have one and I will sign you up)
* Your location (full Address including region e.g. South East)
* Your specialism (this must be something like years experience, friendly, experience with setting up broadband, helping to raise money for schools, football fan, young mum, single parent. Something that will connect with your audience)

I then will (subject to approval)

Create a unique web link for you, e.g.
which has information about utility warehouse, through Sevenoaks Energy Brokers and links on to your Utility Warehouse sign up page.

You then blog about, post to people etc. your unique url.

The clever bit.

My 'cookie' software will store your ID on every visitors computer. Every time they search for Utility Warehouse and go to our site, your ID will be remembered. This way you ensure that you, as the first person who introduced them to the site, will get the commission. Same with business sign ups.

Linking to your URL on blogs, facebook, twitter etc. will mean that the site will soon become number 1 in google.

You can see that this will create critical mass for the web and allow you to truly benefit from online referal to utility warehouse.

Call me on 01732 80 80 67 or email to join up.

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